Connection error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. Careers | Geodata Solutions, Inc

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Be part of our dynamic, talented and happy workforce!

If you have a strong work ethic, willing to take initiative, and have an ability to think out of the box,
you are definitely who we are looking for.


We're looking for motivated dynamic employees in all areas of our company. We are interested in recruiting the best individuals.


GSI provides essential training that helps employees acquire new skills and knowledge to reach their full potential. We provide assessment to help identify strengths and areas of opportunity for the development of our employees. We help our employees to have a greater stability, flexibility and capacity for the growth of our organization.


GSI is composed of balanced, highly trained and skilled professionals. We have a group of sharp, dynamic marketing and business development experts who understand user's need and expectations. Our staffs are also experts in data gathering, survey and mapping, computer and information sciences, data communications, management, finance, planning, etc.

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